So we are now in the year 2023, and if you haven’t noticed the world we live in and the UK is rapidly changing all around us on a weekly basis. Life for everyone is certainly getting harder and the cost of living or running a business is at an all time high.
Like in 2022, in 2023 we will continue to see higher prices, high overheads and total chaos when it comes to world logistics, product manufacturing and everything that goes into running a smooth and successful business.
The problem with life and business is that we all have to rely on other people, other businesses and even other countries in order to operate and exist. Life only functions smoothly when various chain of events that we don’t even know are taking place behind the scenes all go to plan. The minute something in this chain goes wrong the chain is then broken effecting everyone else further down the line in someway or another. This is whats called (the snowball effect) or (a chain reaction) and exactly what we all have experienced in some way or another these last 3 years.
Luckily at LITH-TECH we have extensive experience and knowledge of how to run a successful business no matter whats going on in the world around us. It just takes extra planning, understanding of all the different variables involved and then factoring it all in.
For these reasons we are going to continue to hold huge amounts of physical stock (over 400 chairs in store) the largest in the UK – ready for instant dispatch so if the manufacturing or supply chain brakes we will still be able to operate as normal. This in excess philosophy will also apply to our spare parts department, where we currently carry well over 1000 spares parts meaning there is no waiting around for when you really need them. (We understand that your chair is your legs and lifeline and we take that very seriously).
A big bit of news is LITH-TECH will also be moving our big head quarters mid year sometime. Where we are currently based is a lovely space and in a lovely area but with that you also in turn pay Surrey rents, rates, service charge and bills currently totalling over 100k a year before we even take in any other over heads into consideration. Its also 4000 sq ft over two floors meaning we have to hold our lightweight chairs and parts upstairs which is labour intensive and not ideal. By moving just 25 mins away we can still get a big unit but this time we can be more idealistic about ours and our customers needs. Ie – one story, big disability toilet facilities, good parking and space for deliveries and much more cost effective and lower overheads.
Towards the end of last year we sat down and took a good look at our range of chairs we offer. We decided that it was best to simplify the range and only stock chairs with a true use case and that really sell. We have decided to get rid of all our entry level models and only focus on and be known for stocking the best of the best.
The new 2023 line will consist of:
Our lightweight range – LITH-TECH COMPACT and our new LITH-TECH COMPACT +
Our Smart Chair range
This will be the LITH-TECH line up for the foreseeable future. We’ve tried all the different technologies, frame materials and gadgets available on the market. Carbon fibre is fine if you want to just use your chair indoors on n very flat surfaces, aerospace aluminium is far better as a frame material for outdoor chairs. fancy apps and gadgets that control your chair just go wrong and are gimmicky, Autofolding chairs add on average 5kg to your chair making it well over 30kg meaning it’s no longer a lightweight folding electric chair and are renowned for going wrong. When it comes to the world of folding electric wheelchairs it’s all about keeping it as simple, having lightweight chairs but not so lightweight that they lose all their capabilities, focusing on chairs which are easy to use, to fold and unfold and that offer the user comfort and confidence.
There are a couple of things that really separate LITH-TECH from other companies, not including our products. Firstly we are an actual Folding Electric Wheelchair specialist – so superior product and disability knowledge. The understanding of how to match any customer with the right chair without them even seeing it in person. So save yourself the guess work and just give us a call and we will guide you through the process so you can better understand your needs from a chair and what style of chair or model will be most suitable.
The second thing that separates us is our Videos. Wether they be demo videos, showing off our chairs capabilities in the skatepark or educational or tutorial videos. For LITH-TECH 2023 will be more about video. We will first be re-doing each product demonstration video we have for each chair we stock. We will also be doing more videos on our ever changing, fast paced industry, more educational videos and any videos that we feel will make your life easier.
Follow and subscribe to us on youtube and facebook for all the latest news and videos we release.
Every year LITH-TECH continue to grow and cement ourselves as the Uk’s leading online Folding Electric Wheelchair specialist, lets hope we continue to smash it and serve our customers well in 2023 :)
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February 10, 2025
February 10, 2025
February 10, 2025
February 10, 2025
What a wonderful wheelchair company, and what a wonderful electric wheelchair. For a nervous driver, this was exactly what I needed. A Lith-Tech SC-X XL. It gets me up and down the very steep slope to my house, and along the gravelly lane and cambered paths outside my house. Looking forward to trying some proper pavements in a town with their dropped curbs and small cambers. Excellent purchase from an excellent man who knows exactly what he is talking about and gave me all the confidence I needed to set me on a new adventure in life. Many thanks to Toby St. George. As it took me many months to find this company on the internet, I am telling everyone where I got the wheelchair from and hope they look into it when they need one.