Why LITH-TECH post so many videos

By Published On: 11 September 2020

In today’s post we want to discuss why LITH-TECH provides many videos on our website and social media, along with the benefits that it brings to you.

At LITH-TECH we understand our customers, and we know that keeping things simple and easy to understand are vital. Our videos are quick visuals that are able to be revisited at any time. We always do our best to show our wheelchairs in everyday situations and also how to use them in the best and most convenient way possible to make our customers lives as easy as possible.

Did you know that 1 minute of video is worth 1.8 million words and that our brain processes visuals much quicker than it can text?  We ensure that our videos are short, snappy and to the point to make sure they are memorable.  It is also a lot more interesting than scrolling through long text and keeps with our brand ethos of staying in touch with our customers requirements and remaining industry leaders. From seeing all of our videos you will also get to know the faces behind the brand and you will end up feeling like you know us already before you even see us in person or speak to us on the phone.

As a dedicated brand we fully understand our customers’ needs and know that everyone’s situation is completely different and personal that’s why we do any array of videos even if sometimes they come across as simple or obvious but we guarantee its helping someone out there.

Keep an eye out for more videos!

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